Print LaTeX code
Why LaTeX?
Consider the following Sullivan model of a free loop space.
val indeterminateList = listOf(
Indeterminate("a", 2),
Indeterminate("b", 2),
Indeterminate("x", 3),
Indeterminate("y", 3),
Indeterminate("z", 3),
val matrixSpace = SparseMatrixSpaceOverRational
val freeDGAlgebra = FreeDGAlgebra.fromMap(matrixSpace, indeterminateList) { (a, b, x, y, z) ->
x to a.pow(2),
y to a * b,
z to b.pow(2),
val freeLoopSpace = FreeLoopSpace(freeDGAlgebra)
Now you can compute and print the basis of the cohomology by
for (degree in 0..4) {
val basis = freeLoopSpace.cohomology.getBasis(degree)
println("H^$degree(LX) = Q$basis")
and this prints
H^0(LX) = Q[[1]]
H^1(LX) = Q[[sa], [sb]]
H^2(LX) = Q[[a], [b], [sasb]]
H^3(LX) = Q[[asb], [sasx], [2 sasy + sbsx], [1/2 sasz + sbsy], [sbsz]]
H^4(LX) = Q[[1/2 asx + xsa], [asy - 1/2 bsx + xsb], [1/2 bsx + ysa], [1/2 asz + ysb], [-1/2 asz + bsy + zsa], [1/2 bsz + zsb], [sasbsx], [sasbsy], [sasbsz]]
But this output is not very readable since
can be confused with the product of indeterminatess
.- Fractions such as
are hard to read.
Print LaTeX code
By using Printer
, you can print a LaTeX code:
val p = Printer(printType = PrintType.TEX, showShift = ShowShift.BAR)
for (degree in 0..4) {
val basis = freeLoopSpace.cohomology.getBasis(degree)
println("H^{$degree}(LX) &= \\Q${ { v -> p(v) }} \\\\")
H^{0}(LX) &= \Q[[1]] \\
H^{1}(LX) &= \Q[[\bar{a}], [\bar{b}]] \\
H^{2}(LX) &= \Q[[{a}], [{b}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}]] \\
H^{3}(LX) &= \Q[[{a}\bar{b}], [\bar{a}\bar{x}], [2 \bar{a}\bar{y} + \bar{b}\bar{x}], [\frac{1}{2} \bar{a}\bar{z} + \bar{b}\bar{y}], [\bar{b}\bar{z}]] \\
H^{4}(LX) &= \Q[[\frac{1}{2} {a}\bar{x} + {x}\bar{a}], [{a}\bar{y} - \frac{1}{2} {b}\bar{x} + {x}\bar{b}], [\frac{1}{2} {b}\bar{x} + {y}\bar{a}], [\frac{1}{2} {a}\bar{z} + {y}\bar{b}], [-\frac{1}{2} {a}\bar{z} + {b}\bar{y} + {z}\bar{a}], [\frac{1}{2} {b}\bar{z} + {z}\bar{b}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}\bar{x}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}\bar{y}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}\bar{z}]] \\
Full LaTeX source code
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q}
H^{0}(LX) &= \Q[[1]] \\
H^{1}(LX) &= \Q[[\bar{a}], [\bar{b}]] \\
H^{2}(LX) &= \Q[[{a}], [{b}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}]] \\
H^{3}(LX) &= \Q[[{a}\bar{b}], [\bar{a}\bar{x}], [2 \bar{a}\bar{y} + \bar{b}\bar{x}], [\frac{1}{2} \bar{a}\bar{z} + \bar{b}\bar{y}], [\bar{b}\bar{z}]] \\
H^{4}(LX) &= \Q[[\frac{1}{2} {a}\bar{x} + {x}\bar{a}], [{a}\bar{y} - \frac{1}{2} {b}\bar{x} + {x}\bar{b}], [\frac{1}{2} {b}\bar{x} + {y}\bar{a}], [\frac{1}{2} {a}\bar{z} + {y}\bar{b}], [-\frac{1}{2} {a}\bar{z} + {b}\bar{y} + {z}\bar{a}], [\frac{1}{2} {b}\bar{z} + {z}\bar{b}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}\bar{x}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}\bar{y}], [\bar{a}\bar{b}\bar{z}]] \\
Print very long line
Together with the LaTeX package autobreak, line breaks can be added automatically.
In the environment autobreak
line breaks in the LaTeX source code are considered
as possible candidates for line breaks in the output PDF file.
So beforeSign = "\n"
and joinToString(",\n")
in the following code give such candidates.
val p2 = Printer(printType = PrintType.TEX, beforeSign = "\n", showShift = ShowShift.BAR)
for (degree in 0..6) {
val basis = freeLoopSpace.cohomology.getBasis(degree)
val basisString = basis.joinToString(",\n") { v -> p2(v) }
println("\\begin{autobreak}\nH^{$degree}(LX) = \\Q[\n${basisString}]\n\\end{autobreak}\\\\")
Full LaTeX source code
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q}
H^{0}(LX) = \Q[
H^{1}(LX) = \Q[
H^{2}(LX) = \Q[
% ...