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Cohomology of Sullivan algebras

In this section, we explain a way to compute cohomology of a Sullivan algebra.

Define a Sullivan algebra

Consider the minimal Sullivan model of the 2n2n-dimensional sphere. Explicitly it is written as (Λ(x,y),d)(\Lambda(x, y), d) where the degrees are given by degx=2n\deg{x}=2n and degy=4n1\deg{y}=4n-1, and the differential is given by dx=0dx=0 and dy=x2dy=x^2. You can define it as follows:

val n = 2
// Declare an indeterminate (generator) for the free commutative graded algebra Λ(x,y)
val indeterminateList = listOf(
Indeterminate("x", 2 * n),
Indeterminate("y", 4 * n - 1),
val matrixSpace = SparseMatrixSpaceOverRational
// Sullivan algebra can be defined by using the function FreeDGAlgebra.fromMap.
// The last argument is a function
// which receives the list of generators and returns the map representing the differential.
val sphere = FreeDGAlgebra.fromMap(matrixSpace, indeterminateList) { (x, y) ->
y to x.pow(2), // x.pow(2) represents x^2
// If you want, you can write dx = 0 explicitly in the code
// by using zeroGVector, a special element that represents zero in any degree.
// mapOf(
// x to zeroGVector,
// y to x.pow(2),
// )

Note that FreeDGAlgebra is the class for Sullivan algebras. It is because, ignoring differentials, Sullivan algebras are free as commutative graded algebras.

Compute cohomology

The cohomology of a FreeDGAlgebra can be accessed from the member cohomology.

for (degree in 0 until 10) {
val basis = sphere.cohomology.getBasis(degree)
println("H^$degree(S^${2 * n}) = Q$basis")

DGA operations

DGA operations (e.g. sum, multiplication, differential) can be applied within

val (x, y) = sphere.generatorList

// You can't write DGA operations here. {
// You can write DGA operations in ""
println("d(x * y) = ${d(x * y)}")